About Us

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Progress Schools is a nationally based, alternative education provider with independent secondary schools located throughout England. We provide high-quality, supportive, and inspirational teaching to 11 – 16-year-olds at Key Stage 3 and 4. Our bespoke approach ensures positive progression either back into mainstream education, or into the world of further education, work-based learning, or employment when leaving us in Year 11.

Who are we?

At Progress Schools, we currently have thirteen independent secondary schools, located throughout England, who support local authorities and mainstream schools to work with young people who require an alternative approach to their education. Many students have been diagnosed SEND/SEMH (or are awaiting diagnosis), and/or have been excluded from at least one mainstream school.

Through our incredible workforce of teachers, engagement mentors, welfare officers, and alike, we ensure a truly rounded curriculum that is delivered in a nurturing and supportive way, enabling us to identify the potential and ambitions of our young people and work with them to support them to achieve these.

In 2019, The Timpson Review of School Exclusions identified that more than half of young people who access alternative provision (AP) or PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) type settings become NEET (not in education, employment, or training) when they leave school. Since our inception in 2016, we have supported most of our Year 11 students to progress into a positive destination when they leave us. This is something we feel incredibly passionate about, because we truly believe that every young person should be given all the support and guidance they need to help them to achieve their potential.

Our Proprietor Details

Progress Schools Limited,
Suite B2, Switch House,
Northern Perimeter Road,
L30 7PT, Liverpool


Parent Satisfaction


Registered Schools

All Progress Schools Are Supported By…

Charlotte Barton
Charlotte Barton

Managing Director

Nancy Wright

Director of Business

Cheryl James
Cheryl James

Head of Centre, Lead IQA

Justin Lewis
Justin Lewis

National Head of Safeguarding and Inclusion

Marie – Ann Donelon

Admissions Assistant

Jenny Smith
Jenny Smith

National SENCO

Sean O'Dell
Sean O’Dell

Quality Manager – Education

Latest News

  • Karl Stott, Teacher and music maestro

    Progress People: Karl Stott

    Musical maestro turned teacher, Karl Stott, embodies everything Alternative Provision supports. Karl’s passion for music has given him a different outlook whilst supporting young people with additional needs.

  • From county lines to classrooms: Jamie's story of transformation

    From county lines to classrooms: Jamie’s story of transformation

    Jamie joined Progress Schools and received the necessary support to overcome challenges and focus on his education. His story highlights the dangers of exploitation and the importance of a good support system.

  • Young carer

    A caring approach for young carer Emily

    Emily joined Progress Schools and received the necessary support to balance her education and being a young carer.

Accreditation and Regulatory Bodies

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