Site One – Hamilton Square
About Hamilton Square
Progress Schools Hamilton Square caters mainly to Key Stage 4 students who have had difficulties within their previous educational setting which has resulted in permanent exclusion. The school is located within a Grade 1 listed building and offers an adaptable space for different group sizes as well as activities (we have a kitchen and games room on-site, in addition to our classrooms).
Statement of qualifications: Progress Schools offer a variety of qualifications to students. In academic year 2023/2024, all year 11 students at Progress Schools – Hamilton Square studied and were entered for GCSE Maths, English and Science. 96% of the students entered gained a GCSE up to and including Grade 4. The curriculum also offers a variety of unaccredited programmes that students engage with throughout the year including enrichment projects. Please see curriculum pages for further information on courses studied.
Number of complaints within last academic year – 2023/2024 – 1 complaint.

Aarron Stafford
Head of School
Site Two - New Ferry
About New Ferry
Progress Schools New Ferry, is an extension of our Hamilton Square site, also catering mainly to Key Stage 4 students who have had difficulties within their previous educational setting which has resulted in permanent exclusion.
The school is located within a newly refurbished community centre, offering an adaptable space for different group sizes as well as activity spaces. The transformed centre features new all-weather 3G five-a-side football pitches, as well as a gym, community cafe and youth club.
Number of complaints within last academic year - 2023/2024 – 0 complaints.

Michael Sewell
Head of School
School Curriculum
At Progress Schools, students primarily study Functional Skills in English, Mathematics, and ICT. A wide range of other qualifications are also studied. These include Science, PE, Careers, Internet Safety, well-being, mental health awareness, and many more.
We are an alternative education provider serving students who have either struggled to engage with, or been removed from, mainstream education. Our teachers operate on a Primary model, to reflect the size of our provision, teaching across a range of subjects and are supported by a centralised, prescribed curriculum that is written by subject experts.
We believe all pupils should have the right, and the opportunity to sit qualifications in line with their peers, that are expected nationally and will provide a stepping stone to their further and future education. We support pupils who have demonstrated that they need additional accreditation and qualifications to support their progression but will never remove an opportunity for pupils to sit the Y11 terminal exams.
Social Feed
Students whipped up a feast for their 'My Body' lesson! Focusing on balanced meals, our students created some delicious dishes and held their very own 'Come Dine With Me', all with a budget of £3.50! Who could decide a winner when it all looks so good!🍽️
#ComeDineWithMe #StudentChallenge #ProgressSchools #delicious #health #BalancedMeal
It's snow time!❄️🌨️☃️
#ProgressSchools Lilford made the most of the recent snow, with students getting outside and having some fun!
#SnowDay #AlternativeProvision
What a year 2023 was! Here's a look back at the last few weeks before we finished for the Christmas break.
Our students got involved in fun days out, shared some festive time together and some made their own gifts for family members!
#AlternativeProvision #ProgressSchools
And the winner is...
Congratulations to Charleigh, our winning Christmas card designer! 🎄🎁☃️
Wishing a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all the staff and students at #ProgressSchools! See you all in 2024!
Elf, Lilford, has been naughty and nice this Christmas! After swinging around the classrooms and causing mischief, Lilford redeemed themself by using building blocks to help build and promote #ProgressSchools core values.
#christmaself #elfonashelf #AlternativeProvision
Latest News
Progress Schools’ former student shines
Recently we received a call from Carol Edwards, grandparent of a former student who will be referred to as Leah for confidentiality, who wanted to show her support for Alternative Provision and offer an update on her granddaughter’s progress since leaving Progress Schools, Tees Valley.